
CORNERSTONE Ministry collaborates with individuals aged 55 and older, offering a range of activities at different times. To engage with fellow "seasoned" adults, we suggest joining a Sunday Morning Bible Study Class. These classes provide chances for companionship, spiritual development, and prayer assistance. Apart from our Sunday Bible Study Groups, we also organize a monthly luncheon and various special trips and outings throughout the year.

Monthly Luncheons

Every month on the second Tuesday, Cornerstone gathers for a luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. Each month, we choose a theme for the gathering and invite guest entertainers or speakers. The church supplies the main course meat and beverages, and we request attendees to contribute a side dish, salad, or dessert to share.

Local Outings

In various periods of the year, we organize local events, concerts, and day trips that are open for individuals to join. These gatherings are enjoyable and provide an excellent opportunity to cultivate relationships. Typically, we use our church bus and other vehicles to embark on day or evening excursions with friends.

Bus Tours & Cruises

The upcoming excursion is planned for October 7th-12th, featuring a bus tour to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. To reserve your spot on this trip, kindly reach out to Pastor Shane Mitchell or contact the church office. A $75.00 deposit per person is required upon registration. Additionally, trip insurance can be purchased for $72.00 per person. Flyers about the trip are accessible, and the trip welcomes all adults aged 55 and above in our community.