20's Life @ Calvary

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

20's LIFE is our ministry for college students and young adults from the ages of 18 to 29. As a part of our vision to encourage influencers with the Gospel, we seek to engage and disciple through regular Bible study, service opportunities, worship, and accountability.  For more information about 20's LIFE, contact our ministry director, Ryan Smith.

Monthly Meetups & Sunday Serve Teams

Sunday Serve Teams

On Sunday Mornings, we encourage our 20's LIFE adults to join a serve team.  Depending on your interests and talents, we have a place for you to plug in and serve others.  From our technical teams that help run sound, video, and lighting to creative teams that assist with photography and social media.  We also need help on one of our greeting teams or in the Table & Story Coffee Bar.  Just let us know where you would like to plug in.

Third Sunday Meetups

Looking for a space to grow in your walk with Jesus and meet other 20 somethings?  Each third Sunday, we will host a gathering of young adults 18-29 in a different location for the purpose of living Life on Life, Life in Community, and Life on Mission together.  Come check us out.