Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

We love our Calvary Kids!!!  Our Kid's LIFE Ministry at Calvary provides a safe and fun environment where children from birth to 5th Grade can participate in large group worship and small group experiences, helping them grow in their faith journey with Jesus. We know the importance of partnering with parents during their child’s formative years, and offer weekly programming on Sundays.  Sunday School starts at 9:45am and Kid's Life Church begins at 11:00am. Check us out this Sunday!  For more information, please feel free to contact us by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.

Sunday Mornings


Kid's Life Sunday School begins at 9:45am.  There is a place for all children from birth - 5th grade.  This is a special time for your children to learn about Jesus and what it means to follow Him. 


Kid's Life Church begins at 11:00am for all children K-5th grade.  We begin in the worship center where our kids have reserved seating right at the front.  They participate in our corporate time of singing and worship and are dismissed just prior to the pastor's message.  They then  go upstairs with our Children's ministry volunteers for a special time of worship and teaching just for them.  At the end of the worship service, parents will pick up their children in the Kid's Life room located upstairs in our main building.